Friday, January 25, 2008

Gone Till November - me too

Tonight I found myself accidentally attending a Wyclef Jean concert in Atlanta. The part that really surprised me was that I thoroughly enjoyed it. I wouldn’t consider myself at all a “fan” of his. I didn’t own any songs by Wyclef and really know nothing about him other than he was in the Fugees. But much like when I accidentally went to an Enrique Iglesias concert last October, I was shocked at what a talented performer the guy is and how many hit songs I forgot he had. His band was out of control good. I may have left the show early, but I left with a smile and my ears ringing. Being on the other side of the stage, it’s easy to forget what going to a concert is like, especially when you don’t really know what to expect from the artist / band. But I left tonight impressed. I hope that when people find themselves accidentally at a Jonas Brothers show, whether you’re dragged along by your friend, or you went simply because there was an extra ticket - you leave as happy as I am now.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Girwhals / Naraffes

You guys made the animal kingdom very proud. There were over 100 entries sent in and all of them were hilarious. I want nothing more than to sneak those photos into a science book or at least wikipedia. thank you guys for making me laugh and sometimes even fall over. Every one of the entries were great and even if yours didn't "win," i personally looked at each one and was blown away by how much time and effort was put into the pictures. it was very hard for me to pick one over the other. art is subjective. there needs to be a petition to make this animal happen for real. write to your local government representatives, scientists, and zoos. together, we can make this happen.

alright, here's your winners. i posted 4 instead of 3 because i really couldn't decide and plus, hey its my blog so i can do whatever i want. lets get a drum roll and round of applause:

this picture blew my mind. that is john taylor's face on the Fabio body-double. totally awesome. (this is also currently john's desktop picture.)

This drawing is great! it showcases the gracefulness of the girwhal. impressed!

This naraffe's body looks a bit like a meatball, but thats the beauty of them - they come in all shapes and sizes. plus this naraffe listens to vinyl and carries around boxes of cereal.

I'm not sure why i'm dressed as a cowboy in this photo, but i imagine a girwhal would be very painful to rodeo with.

rock and roll,
greg & all the girwhals

Monday, January 14, 2008

Giraffe + Narwhal = Blog Contest

HEY BLOG FANS! - I've mentioned previously on my blog that one of our favorite pastimes is watching the Planet Earth documentaries on long bus drives. There are so many sweet animals on this planet, but two of my favs are the giraffe and the narwhal. As everyone knows, you can't have two favorites of something and i cant decide which animal is cooler. so to solve my dilemma, i'm enlisting YOU, the blog fan! There will be a contest to see who can come up with the best picture of a combination of the giraffe and narwhal. i went ahead and did my own as an example and it looks something like an underwater super-unicorn:

send your entries to

i will post the top 3 designs. the winning design will be tattooed on my forehead. ok, maybe not. extra points if you can put a bowl of cereal in the picture too. go have fun!

EDIT: Thanks for your entries! The contest is now over.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sia has real problems

I'm home for 4 days in glorious New Jersey before meeting up with everyone for more tour rehearsals. Today i even got to attend my hometown church for the first time since June! (i haven't been home on a Sunday in a LONG time) Anyway, last night i found myself in Starbucks with some friends and i just randomly purchased the new Sia album "Some People Have Real Problems." Besides it being awesome (Beck and Pantera are both on it) what struck me before i even listened to it was the cover artwork. Seriously, this is one of the best and funniest covers I've seen in a long time. Who can't relate to this? didn't you eat the markers when you were in Kindergarten? high school?

Friday, January 11, 2008

Someone wants me dead

my hotel set up a nice selection of snacks to greet me as a walked in. they must know i'm allergic to peanuts because i'm hungry and this isn't funny:

- Peanut Oil-cooked potato chips
- Peanut M&Ms
- Snickers candy bar
- Cashews roasted in Peanut Oil
- Honey Peanut flavored Balance energy bar

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Tour is over / Tour is just starting

Last night was sadly our last on the Hannah Montana / Miley Cyrus Best o' Both Worlds tour. It was like the last day of high school before graduation: After spending every day with these people, suddenly its over and you dont get to hang out with your friends anymore. And like life after high school, you usually end up seeing most of them here and there, but not nearly as much as you like. Its been an awesome experience and a pleasure traveling with everyone on the tour. But before i get all candle-lit acoustic crying music on you, we've already begun rehearsals for our next tour which is serving as quite the distraction from our grieving. Today was our first rehearsal day for the Jonas tour which starts in only a few weeks. We're changing arrangements, working on interludes, and playing new songs. This tour is going to rule. Tickets go on sale this Saturday so get a front row seat and jam with us.

So there ya have it. From one tour to the next. But let's take a moment to reflect on the past months. Here are some of my favorite photos from tour i found as i was scrolling through my iphoto. SOME of them are sunsets cause i like that sort of thing and ALL of them were taken with my iphone because i dont have a nice camera.

Here's Rob Hoffman easily amused in an airport by a tickle-me Elmo:

We paid the 50 cents but i'm pretty sure this thing was a small dog or something. no way it was real.

When the boys did an acoustic set at the Mall of America. a few fans showed up. it was nice.

Is there really a better feeling than showing up to catering and seeing this? i'm gonna miss those guys a lot. they hooked it up:

Hold On lyrics tattoo:





Crossing the bridge after visiting the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh. Highly recommended. (...the museum, not the bridge.)

BY THE WAY! all you bloggers (e-journalists) still on the Hannah tour better keep up to date with your postings so we know whats up!

i miss you. i miss your smile. but still shed a tear every once in a while.

keep it real.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Hello Again

I awoke New Years Day in New York City with what seems to be acute laryngitis. Although this may seem like a downer, its actually kind of nice to listen to other people say stupid things instead of me. After the New Years gig (more on that in a bit) we boarded a 5 and a half hour flight to Sacramento. The good news we flew on jetBlue which has personal TV sets in back of each headrest. So i watched a documentary on piranha-preying sea turtles. yeah, you missed out. big time.

i also wanted to point out a quick note about the Long Island shows we did after Christmas. While we were driving up to the venue (pictured below in the background) i saw a couple land surveyors (pictured below in the foreground.)
Trivia tid-bit for you blog fans: guess which musician used to be a land surveyor?

a. One of the Village People
b. the lead singer of Men At Work
c. Beethoven
d. me

if you guessed choice "d" then congratulations! you've won a free pass to read the rest of this paragraph! The summer between high school and college I worked for a land surveying company in New Jersey. I still consider myself a part of the surveying community, although they probably no longer consider me a part of them. The job was sweet. I used to find all kinds of stuff on the job people were getting rid of; a bass guitar, a ship's wheel, and yes...a full set of lawn darts.

ok onto new years eve,

we were fortunate enough to get to play on the roof of the ABC building in Times Square on Dick Clark's New Years Rockin' Eve. I found myself completely overwhelmed once I got on the roof and looked out at a million people in the streets of new york. here's the view from where i stood during the performance:

What you can't see in that photo is a huge billboard for Juicy Couture's new perfume exclusively for dogs. yes, its 2008. the future is here and our dogs smell awesome.
We performed "Hold On" "SOS" and "We Got the Party" with Miley Cyrus. I still can't really believe we did that. it's weird how much has happened so fast. God is good!
Here's one more picture I took with 37 seconds left in 2007 from the street.

Here's the youtube link to some of the performances. Side note: as i was playing my phone was vibrating non-stop in my back pocket. it was mostly my friends telling me they liked my jacket.